Maximizing the power of logs as your application scales

Maximizing the power of logs as your application scales

Logs can provide much more than debugging and troubleshooting for your application. Read more to see how logs can be used for metrics, alerts, experiments, and more.

How I Self-Published a Programming Book and Lived to Tell About It

How I Self-Published a Programming Book and Lived to Tell About It

About a month ago I released my first book. Besides the actual writing, there are a ton of things involved in publishing a book. There’s the book cover, editing, book formatting, publishing to a marketplace, creating a landing page, and promoting the book. I’ll tell you how I did all those things for better or worse.

5 Productivity Tips in Visual Studio That You Should Know

5 Productivity Tips in Visual Studio That You Should Know

If you're like me, then you're addicted to productivity tools. That's one of the reasons why I love Visual Studio—it has an endless amount of productivity tricks. This post is going to show five such tricks that help in my work every day.

Continuous Delivery with Feature Flags (toggles) is More Difficult Than it Seems

Continuous Delivery with Feature Flags (toggles) is More Difficult Than it Seems

What happens if you’re working on something that lasts much more than one sprint? Maybe 3 sprints or 10. Are you going to work on a separate branch, ending with a huge merge? Are you going to run automated tests on that branch? This matter is not that simple, as I recently experienced.

OzCode Review and Black Friday 2019 Discount

OzCode Review and Black Friday 2019 Discount

You might have heard about OzCode before. It's an extension for Visual Studio. Like ReSharper, but with very different functionality. The single purpose of OzCode is to help you debug code and find the root cause of problems. In this blog post, I'm going to tell you about some amazing features in OzCode from my perspective and why you should try it out.

13 Things that Keep Us Motivated as Software Developers

13 Things that Keep Us Motivated as Software Developers

I've been developing software for 10 years now. Every now and again I wonder what it is that makes me tick. What's the element that makes me come to want to go work in the mornings. In other words, what is it that motivates us as software developers?

Most Popular & Profitable Companies in .NET Development space in 2019

Most Popular & Profitable Companies in .NET Development space in 2019

With a rough estimate of over 3 million .NET developers, creating development tools for them is a huge market. There are several big players that are competing for that income. These companies provide productivity tools, profilers, VS extensions, UI Controls and more. We’ll see which companies are the biggest players, how they fare against each other, how much they earn, and some history on how it came to be. There are many types of tools and solutions around .

11 Tips to become an Efficient, High-Performance Software Developer

11 Tips to become an Efficient, High-Performance Software Developer

In software, one developer can make a big difference. This is why hiring great engineers is so hard, and why programmer salaries are sky-rocketing. A high-performance software developer is an incredible asset in a team. A company is willing to pay them top dollar, and the competition to hire them is fierce.

11 things I wish I could tell myself as a Junior Software Developer

11 things I wish I could tell myself as a Junior Software Developer

We've all been Junior developers at some point. Do you remember that long ago? I sure do. I remember the excitement when I could make something work. I remember the fear when faced with a task I had no idea how to even start.