6 Hidden Productivity Gems in Resharper and Rider

6 Hidden Productivity Gems in Resharper and Rider

Six productivity tips when using ReSharper or Rider

Debugging 3rd Party .NET Code without symbols in Visual Studio

Debugging 3rd Party .NET Code without symbols in Visual Studio

It's not so rare to see weird things happen in 3rd party library code. Call some method and you've got a strange exception. Or an incorrect behavior or even a process crash. It sure would be nice to debug some of these issues. In this article we're going to do just that - You'll see how to debug 3rd party library code in Visual Studio.

Why Visual Studio keeps rebuilding my projects for no good reason

Why Visual Studio keeps rebuilding my projects for no good reason

Did you ever feel like Visual Studio is rebuilding projects every single time, even when there were no changes to the code? We can build, change nothing, build again and there we go… VS is starting a build instead of saying all my projects are up to date. Also, there’s that nagging feeling that even when we do change something, VS is building way more projects that it needs. Like most things I do in life, frustration led me to look further into this matter.