Steve Jobs was a genius product guy. I think few would say otherwise about the man behind the iPod, iPhone, and iPad. But given a different turn of events, say if he was born 30 years later and decided to become a software engineer, how would he manage? Do you think he’d reach similar greatness as he did in Apple? If you read Steve Job’s biography or saw the movie Jobs , then you’d know Steve had some special personality traits.
One of the most important things in a good project is naming. You can’t deny it – Good names of Modules, Classes, Methods and Variables can make the difference between a code that’s a joy to read and obscure text. Some names are so bad that every time I see them I get a little jolt of annoyance bordering pain. I mean, I worked so hard to build this beautiful piece of code, this piece of art really and it’s now completely ruined by this… Name.