WPF Merged Dictionary problems and solutions

WPF Merged Dictionary problems and solutions

Provides a tutorial on building a WPF resources hierarchy with Merged Dictionaries. Shows common problems and solutions for that.

Explicit, Implicit and Default styles in WPF

Explicit, Implicit and Default styles in WPF

Let’s say we want to change the looks of all buttons in our application. We want them to have a black background and text inside to have white foreground. WPF gives us a Style infrastructure to do just this. But, as often happens with WPF, we can achieve this in many different and confusing ways. Let’s make some order out of the chaos. Solution #1: Explicit styles Explicit style means you’ll have to explicitly write the style for each button.

My first Post

My first Post

My name is Michael, welcome to my blog. I’m 33, live in Israel, working as a .Net and C++ software developer, interested in everything about programming. I wanted a place to share my bit of knowledge with the community. Keep up with the blog and I hope to get your interest. trigger ga