How I Self-Published a Programming Book and Lived to Tell About It

How I Self-Published a Programming Book and Lived to Tell About It

About a month ago I released my first book. Besides the actual writing, there are a ton of things involved in publishing a book. There’s the book cover, editing, book formatting, publishing to a marketplace, creating a landing page, and promoting the book. I’ll tell you how I did all those things for better or worse.

Practical Debugging for .NET Developers is Available!

Practical Debugging for .NET Developers is Available!

For almost a year now, I’ve been writing a book about debugging and problem-solving in .NET. I’m pretty upset at whoever said writing a book is just like writing a series of blog posts. That was way more work than I signed up for. But it’s over now and my book Practical Debugging for .NET Developers is available . This book is all about solving bugs. I daresay say that the ability to solve difficult problems is what differentiates great engineers from good engineers.