After working for the last three years with TFS’s classic source control TFVC, I recently moved to a new company and with that, to Git. Before working with Git, I loved working with TFVC. I thought it was great and pretty much the most I can expect from a source control. Git, however, changed the way I work with source control and even the way I think about source control.
After a relatively short time looking for a job, I joined my a new company: CodeValue . Specifically, I’m working on the OzCode project (which is awesome). But a bit later on that… First let me tell you a bit about my job hunt experience. Started looking for a job I got my CV ready and very hesitantly started to apply for some jobs. If you ever tried looking for a software job in Israel you probably know that almost all jobs are posted through personnel companies, and applying for one job means your CV will end up everywhere.
Have you ever encountered an over designer? An over designer is a software developer that had some life changing event and became obsessed about architecture. The result being, obsessive decoupling, endless coding of Factories, creating deep (also needless) inheritence hierarchies and various use of design patterns for no good reason. I believe the over deisgner is a mutation in the natural evolution of a software developer. Software Developer’s Evolution Not every software developer reaches to Senior level.
My name is Michael, welcome to my blog. I’m 33, live in Israel, working as a .Net and C++ software developer, interested in everything about programming. I wanted a place to share my bit of knowledge with the community. Keep up with the blog and I hope to get your interest. trigger ga