I don’t think I have to make the point of how important tools are. What would we do without IDEs like Visual Studio? Or without good email clients like Gmail and Outlook? For power users like software engineers, good tools can 10x your productivity. Everyone got their favorite tools, and I think I gathered a pretty good list. So here’s my list of tools that I use every day and highly recommend.

IDEs and Extensions

  • Visual Studio - I’m pretty uncreative with IDEs, opting for the most popular ones. Not for lack of trying though. I saw colleagues work wonders with Rider and ReSharper, doing all sorts of refactoring magic in seconds. I tried making the switch several times, but I always find myself going back to good old Visual Studio.

    winget install -e --id Microsoft.VisualStudio.2022.Community
    choco install visualstudio2022community 
  • Visual Studio Code feels more like a text editor than something like WebStorm , but it’s fast and clean, and the huge extension marketplace makes up for everything. This product’s team got everything right. I use it for all my JavaScript and TypeScript development.

    winget install -e --id Microsoft.VisualStudioCode
    choco install vscode
  • Notepad++ - remains the best basic text editor I know.

    winget install -e --id Notepad++.Notepad++
    choco install notepadplusplus
  • GitHub Copilot is an amazing productivity booster. I do find the AI does a lot of mistakes, or at least things I didn’t intend to write, so it’s by no means any sort of magic developer replacement. But a lot of times it really does read my mind, and if nothing else, it saves a lot of typing.

    code --install-extension GitHub.copilot
  • Bookmarks - I got used to Visual Studio’s Bookmark feature, and this neat little extension adds the same functionality in VS Code.

    code --install-extension alefragnani.Bookmarks
  • Markdown Preview Mermaid Support - Occasionally, you have to draw flow charts or sequence diagrams for design reviews and whatnot. I tried many tools including Visio , draw.io , and LucidChart . Some of those are really good, but I always feel like I’m doing something wrong if I have to use a mouse. Imagine my joy when I discovered Mermaid , a syntax that can describe charts and diagrams in text. This extension allows you to write and preview Mermaid right in Visual Studio Code.

    code --install-extension bierner.markdown-mermaid
  • GitLens adds git history annotations within Visual Studio Code editor, showing the last editor for each line of code. Helps me to quickly discover who to ask questions or blame.

    code --install-extension eamodio.gitlens

Source Control (git) Management

Thankfully, I’ve been using git exclusively as my source control system for the last year. Not an obvious thing to say as a Microsoft employee, but that’s a matter for another blog post. For git, I alternate between using the command line and a GUI client. The command line is more satisfying to use, but nothing beats visualization when you need to browse through history, compare branches, or review staged files. There are many great tools for this, but I got used to the following ones and I’m very happy with them.

  • Git Extensions is an open-source UI client for git. One of many, but it’s very good. It can be used as a standalone desktop app or a Visual Studio extension. I use just the standalone app.
    winget install --id=GitExtensionsTeam.GitExtensions -e
    choco install gitextensions
  • Beyond Compare is a comparison tool that shows side-by-side differences of files or directories. It can be integrated with Git Extensions, Visual Studio, VS Code, or git itself. You can use it to see commit changes, history, or resolve conflicts. I highly recommend it.
    choco install beyondcompare
    winget install --id=ScooterSoftware.BeyondCompare4 -e

C# Development Tools

Interactive C# apps

  • SharpLab.io is an online C# playground. You can write code, run it, and see the Roslyn syntax tree or the compiled IL code, along with other cool features.
  • LINQPad - is a C# playground desktop app. It supports querying your database via LINQ, IntelliSense, debugging, and powerful object visualization (dumps). Compared to SharpLab, it’s faster, more mature, and more feature rich. But it’s limited to the .NET runtimes installed on your PC, whereas SharpLab isn’t because it runs on the cloud. With SharpLab, you can quickly switch between different .NET and C# versions, including experimental branches.
    winget install LINQPad.LINQPad.7
    choco install linqpad

.NET analysis and debugging tools

There are some great analysis tools for .NET, which I know intimately after writing a book about them. Here are the ones I can recommend:

  • dotTrace - A .NET performance profiler by jetBrains. It can help find performance problems in your locally running app or work as an agent in the cloud. In this category of tools, it’s the most user-friendly I tried.

    choco install dottrace
  • PerfView is a free profiler for .NET by Microsoft. It’s extremely customizable, and as such it is difficult to use. However, this same customization makes it powerful. It can be used as a performance profiler, memory profiler, to open dumps, produce GC reports, and for a million other things.

    winget install --id=Microsoft.PerfView -e
    choco install perfview
  • dotMemory is a memory profiler by jetBrains. Like with their performance profiler, this one is really intuitive and user friendly . You can see your memory allocations, explore the heap, and find memory leaks.

    choco install dotmemory
  • SciTech’s .NET Memory Profiler is a powerful memory profiler. It’s less intuitive that dotMemory in my opinion, but it has more features and I found that some things work better there than in other profilers.

    choco install memprofiler
  • dotPeek is my decompiler of choice. Whenever I want to find out what’s inside some dependency DLL file that I’m using, I’ll just open it with dotPeek and see the decompiled code.

    choco install dotpeek
  • dnSpy is a decompiler based on ILSpy, but it’s also a debugger. You can attach it to any running .NET process and debug it even if you don’t have the source code or symbols for that process. Though it’s tricky because it requires suppressing JIT optimization. Here’s the latest dnSpyEx version.

    winget install --id=dnSpyEx.dnSpy -e
    choco install dnspyex --version=6.1.9

Windows Utilities

  • Free Commander XE - This is one of many file explorer alternatives that are way better than the one built into Windows. It features a dual display, tabs, favorite directories, filtering, and more. I know, there are other good ones like OneCommand and Total Commander , but I got used to this one and it’s pretty good.

    winget install -e --id MarekJasinski.FreeCommanderXE
    choco install freecommander-xe.install
  • f.lux adjusts screen colors to a comfortable yellowish light, minimizing the amount of blue light. For most people, it can improve sleep, especially if you’re using the computer at late hours, but my eyes are more sensitive than normal this is a lifesaver for me.

    winget install --id=flux.flux -e
    choco install f.lux
  • Everything indexes your drives and provides instant file search with support for wildcards and Regex. Priceless.

    winget install -e --id=voidtools.Everything
    choco install everything
  • IrfanView is one of the best image viewers in existence. Fast, has great UX, and has a million useful features. Don’t settle for Windows Photos.

    winget install -e --id IrfanSkiljan.IrfanView
    choco install irfanview
  • VLC Player is one of the best video players in the world.

    winget install -e --id VideoLAN.VLC
    choco install vlc
  • Krita is a free graphics editor. I’ve been looking for a free Photoshop-like app forever, and Krita is the best I found. Yes, I tried Paint.NET and GIMP, but they had such bad UX that I couldn’t bring myself to learn to use them.

    choco install krita
  • AutoHotKey is a scripting language for Windows that allows mapping keyboard shortcuts to any Windows action. For example, configure Ctrl + J to type your signature text when in Outlook. Or launch Visual Studio with your project open when you hit Ctrl + WinKey + V. Or write “as far as I know” every time you type “afaik”. Very cool.

    winget install --id=AutoHotkey.AutoHotkey -e
    choco install autohotkey
  • Process Explorer is Task Manager on steroids. Besides the same functionality of showing running processes, it can create dump files, show performance counters, find processes by handles, and much more.

    winget install --id=Microsoft.Sysinternals.ProcessExplorer -e
    choco install procexp
  • Focus 10 is a small timer program that I use for the Pomodoro Technique . Work for 25 minutes, then rest for 5 minutes. Repeat.

    winget install --id=9NBLGGH5G2XH -e


  • Notion - I’ve tried many note-taking apps in my life, and haven’t been happy with a single one until I discovered Notion. It supports markdown, unlimited device sync, coauthoring, and an awesome Excel-like feature they call databases . Available as a web app or a desktop app :

    winget install -e --id Notion.Notion
    choco install notion
  • OneNote is of course Microsoft’s note-taking app. Frankly, it’s fine. Not amazing like Notion, but good. I use it with my organization’s Microsoft 365 account to save work-related stuff.


  • Typora - After trying many different ways to write blog posts (and a book), and enduring WordPress text editor for years, I opted to use Markdown only. I tried several tools for that, and Typora was hands down the best one. It costs 15$, after a 15-day free trial, and it’s worth it if you’re writing a lot.

    choco install typora
  • HUGO - My blog has been on WordPress for a long time until about a year ago when I switched to static site generation (SSG) and it made a huge difference. Instead of having to do 20 steps in [a very slow] WordPress dashboard to publish a post, I’m basically just pushing to git. And site speed is light years better. With SSG, the host is just serving static HTML/JS from a CDN, which means it has the best possible performance. My SSG framework is Hugo , which has been mostly great. My only complaint is its templating language, which I don’t get along with.

  • Netlify - If you’re going with a static site, Netlify is a great hosting service. It’s ridiculously easy to connect to a Git branch on your GitHub account and turn it into a website. And it’s free for up to 100,000 monthly page views.

Finishing up

Discovering new tools is one of the most fun things about PC work, so I hope you found out something new and useful in these. If you have a great additional tool to recommend, go ahead and write it in the comments.

I’ll also recommend Hanselman’s developer list of tools if you didn’t read it already.


M ↓   Markdown
0 points
23 months ago

Thanks for sharing

Ivan G
0 points
23 months ago
Michael Shpilt
0 points
23 months ago

Nice! A lot of tools I didn't know in there.

Nick Portelli
0 points
23 months ago

One of the best utilities on any computer is a clipboard caching utility. I know some apps and windows now kind of have this built in, but I've been using this for years before those existed. It is surprisingly handy.

Michael Shpilt
0 points
23 months ago

Yeah, I'm using the one built into Windows with [WinKey+V]. Very useful indeed.

Ed Hubbell
0 points
23 months ago

I've been a big fan of Ditto (https://ditto-cp.sourceforge.io/) since before windows had one. Great list - Some stuff in here I'd never seen (like Everything) that'll likely help me in the future. Thanks for sharing!

0 points
23 months ago

Why not just recommend jetbrains and rider since you listed more than 1 of their products that are built into rider like dot memory, plus has others like git difference.

Michael Shpilt
0 points
23 months ago

I'm not using Rider though, just the standalone apps. They are not mutually exclusive.

0 points
23 months ago

A great list, thanks! 👍On the productivity side, Windows Power Toys has many good utilities: https://github.com/microsoft/PowerToys. Also, I think browser extensions deserve their own category, for example Refined Github: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/refined-github/hlepfoohegkhhmjieoechaddaejaokhf/reviews (I love its download current folder button...) Thanks again! 😎

Michael Shpilt
0 points
22 months ago

Refined looks great, I'll try it out, thanks for the tip. PowerToys is not for me, I ended up not using any of the tools.

0 points
23 months ago

+1 for FreeCommander. I became a lifetime donor and never looked back. It's been the closest thing to my beloved Norton Commander from the DOS days.

Moaid Hathot
0 points
23 months ago

Great list, thanks Michael! I also like Devtoys https://devtoys.app/

Michael Shpilt
0 points
23 months ago

Thanks. Yeah, it’s great. I’m looking into it right now following a comment on Reddit. Didn’t know it before.