The Best C# .NET Web Application Tech Stack: Choosing The Front End

The Best C# .NET Web Application Tech Stack: Choosing The Front End

There are so many different ways to create a web application today, it's staggering. In this post, we'll try to make some semblance of order. We'll go over the most popular technology choices in each layer of web application development, and see their pros and cons. That includes the client-side tech, the backend server, the ways to deploy to Azure, the CI/CD pipeline, the database, and the login mechanism.

Creating a Database in C#: Interviewing the CEO of RavenDB Oren Eini

Creating a Database in C#: Interviewing the CEO of RavenDB Oren Eini

Oren certainly makes a unique impression. Having listened to a lot of CEO interviews in countless podcast episodes, I never encountered another CEO more knowledgeable about the intricacies of C# than Oren. As we sidetracked into his many adventures in developing a database, Oren’s talked about .NET garbage collection, ...

Optimizing CPU-Bound and Memory-Bound .NET Applications: 11 Best Practices

Optimizing CPU-Bound and Memory-Bound .NET Applications: 11 Best Practices

Our productivity is limited by our resources, but we have the ability to make better or worse use of them. The goal should be to use each of our resources as close to its limit as possible. We want to use every bit of our CPU and memory or else we're over-paying for expensive machines.

6 Essential Tools to Detect and Fix Performance Issues in .NET

6 Essential Tools to Detect and Fix Performance Issues in .NET

Performance issues can be very difficult if you don't have the right tools. Luckily, there are plenty of excellent tools in the space of .NET. These can help you detect, monitor, optimize, and fix performance issues. Both locally and in the cloud.

6 Hidden Productivity Gems in Resharper and Rider

6 Hidden Productivity Gems in Resharper and Rider

Six productivity tips when using ReSharper or Rider

New browser APIs to detect JavaScript performance problems in production

New browser APIs to detect JavaScript performance problems in production

Talking about APIs for performance metrics in the browser. Find out how much problems your JS code really causes in production.

Maximizing the power of logs as your application scales

Maximizing the power of logs as your application scales

Logs can provide much more than debugging and troubleshooting for your application. Read more to see how logs can be used for metrics, alerts, experiments, and more.

What I Learned About C# From Job Interviews

What I Learned About C# From Job Interviews

After going through a bunch of code interviews, here's some things I learned from coding problems that I never use in my day-to-day.

Dynamic Queries with Expressions Trees in C#

Dynamic Queries with Expressions Trees in C#

In this article, you'll see how frameworks like Entity Framework and MongoDB C# driver use expressions trees to make that conversion. And you'll see how to use expression trees yourself to build dynamic queries. Those are queries that you aren't able to create at compile time because you'll know how the query should look like only at runtime.